5 IFTA Challenges Made Simple

Even if you don’t consider IFTA to be an easy process it actually helps simplify the reporting of fuel taxes used in multiple jurisdictions. Before the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) was put into place each state had their own rules and regulations to follow for fuel reporting. This made reporting fuel usage per jurisdiction extremely complicated and confusing.

Even though it’s much easier to complete your IFTA return these days you still have to track your fuel and distance records in order to complete your IFTA return. However, that process doesn’t have to be challenging at all when you use ExpressIFTA to generate your IFTA reports. Check out the top 5 challenges truckers face when filing their IFTA returns so you can be prepared to easily conquer them.

5 Challenges Truckers Face With IFTA

1. Truckers Need An IFTA License

Some truckers aren’t aware that you actually need an IFTA license along with two IFTA decals in order to comply with the law. You need an IFTA license to carry in your cab at all time. To get your IFTA license you need to apply with your base jurisdiction which is the state that your truck is registered.

After your application for your IFTA license has been processed you will receive your IFTA decals in the mail and they need to be clearly displayed on your vehicle under the driver’s side window of your truck. While waiting for your IFTA decals, you can request to have a temporary IFTA license faxed to you to carry in your truck until they arrive.

2. IFTA Reporting

It can be difficult to track your fuel and distance records, especially if you just try to write your totals down on paper in your cab. This is where it’s good to use a program like ExpressIFTA to track all of your IFTA totals online.

ExpressIFTA serves as one central location to organize all the information required to complete your IFTA return online. There are tools put in place to help you upload your information at your own pace, either per trip or for a whole month at a time. You can even upload all of your distance records directly from your GPS.

All of your IFTA information will be used to generate an easy-to-read IFTA report with all of the calculations required to complete your IFTA return. The report can be emailed or printed.

3. IFTA Calculations

It’s no secret that math can be complicated and some people would do just about anything to avoid their IFTA fuel tax calculations. However, ExpressIFTA automatically calculates all of your IFTA calculations for you with 100% accuracy so you won’t over or underpay the amount you owe.

You can also use the IFTA calculator app to instantly calculate the amount of IFTA tax you owe at any time, from any location. This makes it easy to determine how much you owe, even from the comfort of your own cab.

4. IFTA Trip Reports
Sometimes it can be hard to keep organized trip reports without a template put in place that tells you what information to enter and where. However, recording your trips can really help you organize all of your IFTA information.

With ExpressIFTA’s trip reporting features you can quickly organize all of your trips by reporting for a particular vehicle or person. Simply number the trip, enter the starting and ending location, odometer readings at the beginning and end of the trip, and mileage and fuel usage per jurisdiction. All of your information will then be saved for your IFTA report.

5. Truckers Don’t Take Advantage Of Helpful Resources

You don’t have to handle IFTA alone! The dedicated, US-based ExpressIFTA support team is here to help. If you need any help generating your IFTA report please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re available on the phone Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST at 704.234.6005. You can also reach us via live chat or take advantage of our 24/7 email support at support@ExpressIFTA.com.

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