Complete Your 1st Quarter IFTA Return Without Any Penalties

The April 30 deadline for the 1st quarter IFTA return is almost here. Not only do you need to file by the due date to avoid facing IFTA penalties, but you have to correctly file. Because IFTA can be confusing, this might make you a little nervous.

However, it’s our mission at ExpresIFTA to simplify IFTA reporting so you can quickly and easily file by the deadline. Just stick with us, and we will help you avoid making mistakes that result in costly penalties. We’ve even prepared helpful tips on how to correctly file!

Complete Your 1st Quarter IFTA Return Without Any Penalties 

The best way to avoid IFTA penalties is simply turning your return into your base jurisdiction by the quarterly deadline. Be sure to track your totals to comply with IFTA four times a year to keep your IFTA license.

Another way to avoid IFTA penalties is to make sure that you include all the information that’s required to complete your return. Currently, you need your:

  • Total miles traveled per jurisdiction. 
  • Total gallons of fuel consumed per jurisdiction. 
  • The total tax-paid gallons of fuel purchased per jurisdiction. 
  • And the current tax rate. 

Not only do you need to include this important IFTA information, but you need to make sure it’s all correct. That’s why we automatically calculate all of your IFTA totals for you with 100% accuracy based on the information you enter. This way basic human mathematical errors are reduced and you won’t have to waste hours working on complicated equations.

You also need to file according to your base jurisdiction’s (home state) requirements. For example, some states require you to paper file your IFTA return, while others require you to e-file. If you file incorrectly your IFTA return will be rejected, and you’ll be subject to penalties.


We have a compiled a list of state requirements so you can correctly file. See your base jurisdiction’s regulations here.

IFTA Penalties

If you fail to comply with IFTA, expensive penalties will come for you. For example, the penalty for failing by the deadline is $50 or 10% of the fuel tax you owe, depending on which amount is greater.

Then you will face a monthly fee of .4167% of the fuel tax you owe until you pay the amount in full. Even if you owe zero dollars, you will still be penalized. Also, each jurisdiction reserves the right to impose their own penalties and revoke your IFTA license. However, this usually isn’t the case for first-time offenders.

Prepare Your Return With ExpressIFTA

When you use our innovative online IFTA reporting software you can easily avoid IFTA penalties by completing your quarterly IFTA report. This fuel tax report will include every IFTA calculation necessary to complete your return. It can also be downloaded, emailed, and printed.

Plus, we make it incredibly easy to import all of your information to track it one convenient location online. You can use the bulk upload feature to upload all your information at once or the quick entry screen. We even accept GPS data to make importing your IFTA data even faster.

If you need any assistance with IFTA reporting, we’re here to help. Simply give the dedicated, live ExpressIFTA support team a call Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST at 704.234.6005. We also offer live chat and 24/7 email support at

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