What You Need To File A 4th Quarter IFTA Return

You have come seeking answsers to what is needed to file your 4th Quarter IFTA Return. To find these answers you will first – continue reading this blog. Second – you will complete the path to IFTA knowledge as many IFTA filers have done before you. Your journey is now beginning, the following steps will guide you to becoming the IFTA Filing Ninja you were always meant to be…
 1. Breathe & Focus
Take a deep breath, thinking to much about IFTA filing will cause unwanted stress. Stress leads to unfinished forms, and unfinished forms leads to late penalties and darkness.
 2. Prepare For Filing
 You will need 3 key items to complete your filing journey and acheive the coveted IFTA Filing Ninja status. 
      – Your mileage
         You will need to enter your mileage for months October – December. You can manually enter your mileage, upload it from a separate file, or upload it from your e-log. 
      – Fuel Receipts
        Your fuel receipts document how many gallons of fuel you purchased in each state. You will need to keep a record of all your fuel receipts in case you are audited. Don’t fear the IFTA Audit, be prepared for it. It can happen to anyone. Find out more about this in my IFTA Audit Preparation blog.
       – ExpressIFTA.com
        The final key to reaching IFTA greatness, is generating your return with ExpressIFTA.com. This program is the uniting element you need to input your mileage and fuel receipt information. Once the information is entered, ExpressIFTA will present you with a summary. On this summary page you will find a detailed overview of your Return. When you reach this point, don’t let your eagerness to finish fool you. Take a moment and look at your information; only then you will be able to move on to the final stage.
3. Acheive IFTA Filing Greatness
You have aquired all three items needed to file your IFTA return. Now you will enter the final stage to becoming an IFTA Filing Ninja. The final stage is generating your return. When you are certain your information is correct, you will feel a transference of energy in your hand that will move your mouse over the Generate Return button on the screen. Then with a single click your filing journey will end. Then you, young apprentince, will have earned the title of IFTA Filing Ninja. 
Beleive in your skills and acheive IFTA Filing Greatness every quarter.
If you do ever lose your way on the IFTA Filing path, our ExpressIFTA Support Professionals are always available to assist you. Contact the ExpressIFTA headquarters in Rock Hill, SC via phone: 704-234-6005 or email: support@expressifta.com

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