You Need To Be Aware of 2019 CVSA Operation Safe Driver Week

Truck driver preparing for 2019 CVSA Operation Safe Driver Week

Hosted by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance annually, this year’s Operation Safe Driver Week event will be during the week of July 14-20, 2019.

Law enforcement personnel will be paying close attention to commercial and passenger vehicle drivers that are engaging in dangerous behavior while driving.

If there’s ever a time to be “extra safe” it will be this week! Law enforcement is standing by ready to issue warnings and citations to those breaking the law.

Slow Down, Speedy!

Each year, the CVSA determines a new focus for its weeklong event. This year’s efforts will be strongly centered around speeding.

So for those that have a “heavy foot”…SLOW DOWN!

Speeding and reckless driving contribute to at least 26% of all traffic fatalities along with the ever-growing count of automobile accidents that resulted from someone driving above the designated speed limit.

The purpose of this year’s efforts is to endorse, promote, and support the theme:

“Late won’t kill you, speeding will!”

Drive With Caution This Week…And Every Week

Here are a few statistics from last year’s safety week that will make you think twice before being a reckless driver:

  • 16,909 passenger vehicle drivers issued speeding citations.
  • 1,908 commercial motor vehicle drivers issued citations for speeding.
  • 17 commercial motor vehicle drivers cited for driving too fast for conditions.
  • 714 passenger vehicle drivers cited for reckless driving for conditions.

Check Your Speed & IFTA Report

Your safety and the safety of others is important! Be cautious of your driving habits and surroundings as you “Keep America Trucking.”

While staying safe this week don’t forget about the 2nd quarter IFTA filing deadline on July 31st, 2019.

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