Using the IFTA Fuel Tax Calculator
|Figuring out your IFTA fuel tax can be painful and daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. With the October 31st filing deadline looming, you may be wondering how much tax you owe and how you’re going to find the time to determine that. But no worries, we’ve got a sure-fire way to help both you and your wallet brace for impact.
Enter the IFTA Fuel Tax Calculator, a free, simple, and easy-to-use app for iPad or Android tablets that calculates your IFTA fuel tax any time you like.
Here’s how it works:
Step 1
Just use the three simple drop-down fields to select your base jurisdiction, IFTA Quarter, and fuel type.
Step 2
Then simply enter your miles traveled and the gallons of fuel purchased for each state you drove in for the quarter selected. (More fields for additional states can be added if you traveled in more than five states for that quarter. Just click the green +Add More Rows button.)
Step 3
Now hit the orange Calculate IFTA Tax button and it’s all done for you!
You can also email your results to any email address you want to. That way, you’ll have all the data you need available to complete your IFTA return.
No more guessing how much tax you owe, and no more manually figuring out the exact amount. This is the quickest and most convenient way to figure out your IFTA tax. You’ve got more important things to do with your time, like keeping your trucks moving.
And best of all, this is a free app for Android and iPad tablets, available for download from the iTunes App Store and from Google Play, and even accessible from ExpressIFTA. To file your IFTA return for your current quarter, you can use ExpressIFTA, an online tool that allows you to keep track of all your IFTA data and even file your IFTA return.
If you need any help using the calculator, or just have questions about IFTA or your return, our world-class U.S.-based support team is available by phone Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET at 704.234.6005. Our email support is available seven days a week (including holidays) at And as always, we offer bilingual support in English and Spanish.
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