The Best Way To File After The 2290 Tax Due Date
|So, it happened. You got caught up in the Labor Day holiday and you missed the 2290 tax due date.
Don’t sweat it.
The good news is that the 2290 tax due date was September 3rd, 2019, so as of this publication date, you’re only a day late.
2290 Highway Use Tax
2290 Tax Late Filing Penalties
If you’re filing after the 2290 tax due date, you’ll need to pay a penalty of 4.5% of your total heavy use tax amount. This penalty will increase for up to 5 months.
If you filed your 2290 tax before the 2290 tax due date, but did not pay your 2290 highway use tax amount, you’ll face a penalty of 0.5% of your heavy use tax amount, plus additional interest of 0.54% per month.
Did you know? You may be able to avoid these heavy highway use tax penalties if you can show reasonable cause for late 2290 tax filing to the IRS.
Schedule 1 Form 2290
Besides reducing penalties, one of the most important reasons for filing heavy use tax ASAP is for your Schedule 1 Form 2290.
When you pay your heavy highway tax online, you’ll receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 Form 2290 as a receipt of payment for your heavy highway tax amount.
Filing 2290 Highway Use Tax Online
Here’s the information you’ll need to complete your federal heavy vehicle use tax online:
1. VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
2. EIN (Employer’s Identification Number)
3. Business Name and Address
4. Gross Taxable Weight
5. Authorized Signatory Details
Once you’ve got that, you’ll simply create a free ExpressTruckTax account, enter your heavy use tax information, undergo a free instant error check, transmit your heavy highway use tax to the IRS, and receive your Schedule 1 Form 2290 within minutes.
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