Last Minute IFTA Filing Tips
Well, Trucking Nation, it’s almost here. The last day to file your IFTA return for the 3rd quarter without incurring any penalties is October 31st. Hopefully you haven’t put off filing until the last minute, but if you did, ExpressIFTA has got you covered. If you’ve filed with us before, all you need to do is log in to your account, follow the few simple steps, and you’re done. If you’re already an ExpressTruckTax account holder, just log in to that account, and click on IFTA. All your information will already be populated for you. It’s that easy!
New User Sign Up
If you’ve never filed with us before, signing up is quick and painless, as is filing. Just click on the link or go to and click on the “New User” button in the top right corner. Fill out your information and you’re ready to begin your IFTA report.
Information Needed
To generate your IFTA report, you’ll need two pieces of information: your mileage log and your fuel receipts. Let’s look at both of these.
Mileage Log— You can use trip sheets, quick entries, or GPS upload to enter your mileage for the quarter. However you choose to input this data, ExpressIFTA will do all calculations for you.
Fuel Records— These are usually your fuel receipts. A program such as TruckLogics can help you to keep track of your receipts and allow you to upload them into ExpressIFTA.
Once you have this information entered, ExpressIFTA does all the heavy lifting for you. All necessary calculations are taken care of. You just have to either print the IFTA report and mail it in to your base jurisdiction, or e-file the report with your specific state. That’s it!
We’re Here for You
Don’t worry if you’re having trouble with your IFTA return. Our world-class support team is based here in Rock Hill, S.C., ready to answer all your questions. We’ll walk you right through the filing process if that’s what you need. Just call us at 704.234.6005, or email us at
Don’t forget to leave us your comments either here or on Twitter and Facebook. And as always, please remember to let your friends and family know about us. Thanks, Trucking Nation!
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