IFTA Return Must Be Filed Even if You Did Not Operate

A Quarterly IFTA Tax Return must be filed even if the licensee does not operate or purchase any taxable fuel in an IFTA member jurisdiction during the specific quarter.  If you hold an IFTA license a return must be filed each and every quarter, regardless if you operated or not.  

Failure to to file your return could result in applicable penalties and interest.  When a licensee fails to file a return, files a late return, or fails to remit any or all tax due, the licensee is subject to penalty and interest. The penalty is the greater of $50.00 or 10% of the net tax due to all member jurisdictions. Interest is computed on all delinquent taxes due each jurisdiction at a rate of 1% per month. The Department will assess interest for a full month.

If a licensee does not operate or purchase taxable fuel, simply enter “0” when filing the return.  Many states offer electronic IFTA filing, to find out if your state offers IFTA E-Filing, click here.

ExpressIFTA makes it easy to maintain the records required for your IFTA return.  To find out more about IFTA filing or get started today, contact our friendly US based customer support team in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at support@ExpressIFTA.com.

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