We’re Here To Simplify IFTA

As a trucker saying that you’re busy is quite the understatement. You put in more hours than almost every other profession. Yet still, you have to deal with your IFTA report four times a year?!

That means you have to sit down and calculate your miles traveled per jurisdiction, fuel consumed, fuel purchased, and more? All of that complicated math could take hours! It’s time to put an end to that time-consuming hassle by using ExpressIFTA to quickly and easily calculate all of your IFTA totals for you with 100% accuracy.

Your IFTA Solution

We know that IFTA can take hours to complete and be extremely frustrating with all of the different totals you have to keep up with, that’s why we’ve created ExpressIFTA, the market-leading IFTA solution. It’s full of innovative features to help you track everything you need for your return online. This is to help you save time, reduce errors, and stay organized.

Once you create your free account you can begin entering your IFTA information online. You can actually do this at your own pace to track your IFTA totals according to your own preferences.

For example, you can use the trip sheet entries to enter mileage totals, fuel usage, and fuel purchases per jurisdiction for each of your trips. You can enter the distance by odometer readings or distance traveled.

If entering your information on a trip by trip basis seems too slow for your lifestyle then speed things up with the quick entries feature! You can use it to enter your distance and fuel information for an entire month at a time.

Or you can use the bulk upload feature to upload all of your distance records at once. You can also import all of your information directly from your GPS.

You don’t even need a computer to calculate your IFTA tax. Simply use the Fuel Tax Calculator app on your smartphone or tablet to instantly calculate the amount of fuel tax you’ll owe.

Also, we handle all sorts of complicated calculations for you. If you need to convert gallons into liters or miles into kilometers and vice versa then instantly make your conversations stress free with the help of ExpressIFTA.

At the end of each quarter, you can simply generate a quarterly IFTA report that contains all of the totals you need to complete your IFTA return. Each calculation is 100% accurate based on the information you enter. Plus, your IFTA report can be printed and emailed to go wherever it needs to!

We’re Here To Help

If you have any questions at all about your IFTA report then please don’t hesitate to reach out to the dedicated, US-based ExpressIFTA support team. We’re standing by to answer all of your questions.

Give us a call Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM at 704.234.6005. We also offer live chat and 24/7 email support at support@ExpressIFTA.com.

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