4th Quarter IFTA Filing
|It’s here, the 4th Quarter IFTA Deadline is finally here. After this one, it all starts over again…so exciting! Now, when it comes to filing your 4th Quarter IFTA Return there isn’t anything different you need to do. You will file just like you haved filed the previous 3 IFTA returns.
- The 4th Quarter IFTA is used to report your mileage from October-December, so don’t let the fact that it is due in January throw you off.
If you didn’t run this last quarter, you will still need to file an IFTA Return. It’s super easy, you just file a zero return where you don’t claim any mileage. To keep your IFTA license, you have to file every quarter even if you didn’t operate.
Here is the important stuff…
To file your IFTA return you will need a few things:
First, you will need your mileage. However you track your mileage, you need to have all your miles from October-December. If you have these miles on a handy Excel spreadsheet, you can easily upload them directly to your ExpressIFTA account. If not, that’s alright, entering your mileage is simple and won’t take but a few moments.
Second, you will need your fuel receipts. You held on to those right? I knew you would, I have been reminding you to every quarter. Your fuel receipts back up what you report on your IFTA Return, and you will need them if you are ever audited. Remember that IFTA is required to audit 3% of their license holders every year, so it could happen.
Third, you will need ExpressIFTA.com. When it comes to filing your IFTA, ExpressIFTA is the best option to get it done and back on the road. It’s pretty self-explanatory, you enter in the info and hit a few buttons, then poof..you have your IFTA Return. But, if you have a question just give our customer support professionals a call. We’re located in beautiful Rock Hill, SC and can assist you via phone: 704-234-6005 or email: support@expressifta.com.
When you don’t want to file for IFTA on your own anymore….
Have someone else file for you. And not just any ‘someone’, have Truck Services of North America file your IFTA. They can take care of all your IFTA filing so you stay stress free in 2015 (that last bit almost rhymed ;). And wouldn’t you know it, they can handle all your trip permits, authorities, IRP, UCR, fuel/use taxes, and they even provide business start-up packages. For all the hard work you do keeping America moving forward, you deserve your very own processing agent from TSNAmerica to take care of all the paperwork. Give them a call for more information at 803-386-0320.
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