Habits You Should Adopt To Avoid Being Audited

Habits You Should Adopt To Avoid Being Audited

When it comes to truckers who have never gotten audited we promise their trick isn’t to just sit around with fingers crossed hoping to avoid it. Those particular truckers have more than likely implemented quarterly habits to help make sure there are no red flags on their reports.

The deadline for 1st Quarter IFTA reports is April, 30. We want to ensure you fall in line with truckers passing quarterly reports with flying colors, so we’ve made a blog for you to follow for the next few weeks to make sure auditors won’t be heading your way.

Don’t Make Estimates

The time it takes to be detailed when filing IFTA Tax Reports can be overwhelming, making the idea to guesstimate the miles traveled and the average MPG for your fleet a go-to method. This however, is one of the number one actions that can lead to an audit. Inaccurate estimates raise significant red flags. Truckers are required to provide precise records of mileage and fuel use. 

Don’t File Late

Not only does late filing lead to penalties in the form of late fees, but it can also lead to significant mistakes. Waiting to the last minute adds stress and can make you feel rushed. Plan ahead so that you may take your time and even have room for your work to be checked over by another pair of eyes. 

Review Trip Sheets

Keeping up with your trip sheets will make filing a lot simpler if you stay organized throughout each quarter. After each trip, make sure you are giving precise data, as mentioned earlier. Make sure you have zero gaps by including personal miles in your report. This step is important because discrepancies in your mileage reports may come off as if you are hiding something. Your trip to run small errands matter, even if it’s to the closest McDonald’s. (Although we understand why you might want to hide that one.) It can also be easy to forget to record your end of the day mileage, but it’s vital to keep a record so that it matches your beginning of the day.

Be MPG Aware

Your MPG can fluctuate due to a number of factors. Weather, speed, idling, cargo weight, and road conditions. Keeping an eye out for changes in MPG will allow you to have better accuracy in your reports.

Keep Calm and Drive On

By adding the above habits to your daily work life, you eliminate a lot of stress that comes with filing an IFTA report. Audits can be terrifying. If you happen to get audited the best thing to do is remain calm and communicate. Remember that an audit is genuinely just a way to gain clarity; it is not a personal attack. Don’t avoid phone calls and emails, but be concise with your answers and keep in touch with your auditor. The calmer you are in approaching an audit, the smoother the process will go.

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